Immah Be Honest



Jackson and a guest come together to talk about anything and everything in a humourous, ridiculous, and sometimes intellectual manner.


  • Sam, Ruven, Sarah, Mark & Nat

    30/08/2016 Duración: 59min

    Recorded after and during the consumption of alcohol this episode is, for lack of a better term, a clusterf*ck of amazeballs humour, fun, bad music and rad stories. Sam Cribb is leaving for Canada and messed around on my OP-1. Ruven Govendor was once sponsored by Adidas and used to be on a New Zealand soap opera but you wouldn't believe him. Mark Mahon has a tatto of the Irish flag in the shape of a star on his butt. Sarah Young says some provoking things Nat Damena had a penis slapped on his head Terrible Kyle Legacy and Mark Wahlberg impressions happened And me? I'm thinking of getting a tattoo, paid too much for a synth, got introduced to the Fresh Prince of Dick Butt and had my credit card details stolen. Seriously listen, it's just a great stupid laugh

  • Chris Shin

    23/08/2016 Duración: 49min

    Chris Shin joins Jackson to talk about his ventures in comedy, his show "Comedians vs Rappers", Raptrap, stepping in shit at school camp, ACL injuries, why people (like Jackson) who half-ass religion are idiots, and possibly the coolest sounding fight ever. Also a challenge was thrown down in a game of one on one basketball that has yet to be played. Good stuff, listen a bunch.

  • Kat Barras

    15/08/2016 Duración: 48min

    Kat Barras!! comedian, musician, lawyer, and all round badass sits to talk about her standing up for herself and her beliefs on and off stage, her involvement in raising THOUSANDS for Shave for a Cure, the time she forgot pants at work in the name of powerlifting, and so much more goodness. Great times! Great listen! But you'll learn that soon